Helps you search, compare and book cheap flights from hundreds of airlines globally. We are a team of passionate, savvy explorers here to make it easy for you to find the cheapest flights to your next travel destination.
With Flight Search you can:
- Compare flights from hundreds of airlines and travel agents worldwide.
- See the cheapest days to fly with our Price Calendar and Views Chart
- Save and compare flights from your search results and book later.
Our flight comparison service is simple and completely free to use. All you need is to search, filter and book your flights. We will then send you directly to the airline or travel agent to book your plane tickets without any hidden fees.
- Search and compare cheap flights to your destination for free
- Find the cheapest days to fly with our interactive Price Calendar and Chart View.
- Find just what you are looking for by flights to city or airport.
- See just the flights that fit your price range, airport, airlines, number of stops, take-off and landing times.
- Filter results by the cheapest flight, the quickest flight or a happy balance between the two.
- Save flights from your search results to compare and book later.
- Search in your search criteria across all your devices for a seamless experience.
- Take a look at checked baggage and seat reservation fees so you are always prepared before booking.
- Stay up-to-date on maximum carry-on or hand-luggage sizes and weights to avoid extra baggage costs.
- See a snapshot of your selected flight dates and times so you can review before booking.
- When youve found your perfect flight tickets, we will send you directly to the airline or travel agent to book.
Find cheap hotels in minutes
- Select from more than 1.2 million hotels, resorts, and apartments around the world
- you name it, we’ve got it!
- Still unsure about your plans? Cancel or modify your booking directly in the app.
- Sort by whats important to you: hotel prices, deals, ratings and more.
- Advanced filters help you find accommodation in your price range, in the ideal location, and with the facilities you want (like free Wi-Fi and a swimming pool).
- Over 30 million verified hotel reviews help you make your decision.
- Access your booking information offline for extra convenience.